Gambling superstitions are prevalent worldwide, with many people believing in them, whether they admit it or not. These beliefs can take different forms, from physical objects or routines to sticking to a set of numbers or colors when playing in land-based or online casinos. In this article, we will explore some of the most common gambling superstitions from around the world.
Crossing Fingers and Legs
Crossing fingers while playing at land-based or online casinos is thought to bring good luck, no matter what types of casino games you choose to play. Conversely, crossing legs at the gambling table risks canceling out good luck that might have otherwise come your way.
Looking Away or Leaving the Table
Many players believe that looking away or leaving the table while gambling will help snag a winning combo. Others don’t look away for a second, fearing that their absence would interfere with the game and bring bad luck. The origin of this belief is likely a mix of anxiety and excitement brought on by gambling.
Wearing Red for Good Luck
Wearing red is a popular gambling superstition whose origin is widely known. For the Chinese, red is the color of prosperity and, therefore, a color that brings good fortune. This belief has led many gamblers to wear red shoes, red underwear, red trousers, or any other item of the same color to increase their winning potential.
The Lucky Number 7
The number 7 is a symbol of prosperity in various cultures and has a special connotation for online gambling, especially when playing online slots. Biblical scholars have found that the number 7 often represented completion or perfection in the Bible, and other religions also rely heavily on this number.
Blowing on Dice
Blowing on dice is a popular superstition seen most commonly at the craps table. The premise is that you will land the numbers you need if you or a pretty lady next to you blows on the dice before you roll them. Its origin is much more mysterious, and we couldn’t find it.
Feeding Sugar to a Baby Ghost
In China, it’s common to feed sugar to a baby ghost before starting a game of blackjack at a casino. The Chinese believe that a baby ghost sits behind you at the gambling table, and if you feed it sugar before you play, it might bless you with good luck.
Other Gambling Superstitions
Gambling superstitions are prevalent in various cultures worldwide. Some believe that certain items bring good luck, while others avoid actions and objects thought to summon bad luck. For instance, in the Philippines, pregnant women are considered lucky. Rubbing the belly of a pregnant woman is said to bring good luck to players at a casino.
In Louisiana, the “mojo bag” superstition claims that stacking up a flannel sack with the right combination of lucky charms and herbs can bring good luck to gamblers. However, some gamblers avoid walking through the front door of a land-based casino, believing that rubbing off people walking out of the casino will also attract bad luck.
Counting money at the table is considered rude and unprofessional by some gamblers, while others believe it brings bad luck. The number 13 is infamous for bringing bad luck in Western culture, while in many Asian cultures, it is believed to bring good fortune. In Japan, people avoid the number four, which sounds like “death.”
Gamblers also avoid lending money to other players, believing that it will bring bad luck. Hiding lottery tickets is a common practice in Malta to avoid jinxing them. In Bulgaria, an itchy right palm means that you will be giving your money away soon, while an itchy left palm means that you will receive a financial injection.
In conclusion, gambling superstitions add to the excitement and mystique of gambling, whether or not these beliefs hold any truth. The most important thing is to have fun while gambling, and whether you use lucky rituals or not, as long as you’re enjoying yourself, it’s all that matters. If you consider yourself superstitious, feel free to share your thoughts on your personal beliefs or local superstitions in our forum. We can’t wait to hear from you and learn more about your experiences with gambling superstitions.